Autologous Lipotranfer Breast Enhancement

Autologous lipotransfer breast enhancement is a major breakthrough in cosmetic breast surgery. It is very simple. Good quality fatty tissue is removed from unwanted areas by means of liposuction, and after refining the fat, the tissue is re-injected into the breasts to enlarge them.

The doctor needs to evaluate the areas where the fatty tissue needs to be removed. This is typically on the lateral or inner thighs, tummy area, or the love handles. After numbing the area with local anesthetic, the fat is removed by gentle suctioned. The fat then needs to undergo some purification process, and will be injected back into the breasts with a small caliber cannula. The whole process takes a few hours.

This operation does not need any cutting; we just need to make a tiny incision to enable fat removal, and another few incisions to re-inject the purified fat. Unlike a breast implant operation, there will be no linear visible scars.

The autologous fat transfer procedure opens up a new world for those unfortunate post-mastectomised patients. The breasts can be slowly rebuilt with serial reinjections over time, and breasts that look and feel like real ones can be achieved after several months.

Contact us
Tel : (852) 2522 1717
Email : [email protected]
Mon – Fri  10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Sat            10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sun & public holiday off
[by appointment]
5th Floor, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong