
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

Our skin’s elastin starts to naturally diminish around the age of twenty, and before you reach thirty, you may start to notice that your facial contours are not as youthful as they were at twenty. By forty, you’ll likely see noticeable deepening of eye bags and nasolabial folds, and your cheeks may succumb to gravity and start to sag.

Radiofrequency skin tightening uses the heat generated by radiofrequency to tighten the collagen in the dermis while stimulating the growth of new collagen. This helps tighten skin that has lost its elasticity, restoring your youthful contours. So, it’s entirely possible to make a forty-year-old look like they’re thirty, or a fifty-year-old look like they’re forty.

Contact us
Tel : (852) 2522 1717
Email : [email protected]
Mon – Fri  10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Sat            10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sun & public holiday off
[by appointment]
5th Floor, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong