Double Eyelid

Shaping Beauty (Double Eyelid Chapter)

Only about half of East Asians naturally have double eyelids, with the rest having single eyelids or extremely weak double eyelids. Double eyelid surgery is one of the most sought-after plastic surgeries among East Asians. Most people can achieve their desired double eyelid effect with the suture method on the upper eyelid, while some may need to use the cutting method, depending on individual circumstances.

Case studies of double eyelid improvement (online data); 看看改善雙眼皮案例 (網上資料)

The cost of double eyelid suture surgery (depending on the complexity of the surgery) varies between $12,000 to $20,000; 雙眼皮埋線手術費用(視乎手術複雜性而定) $12,000-$20,000

The cost of double eyelid cutting surgery (depending on the complexity of the surgery) ranges from $15,000 to $25,000; 雙眼皮切割手術(視乎手術複雜性而定) $15,000-$25,000

Contact us
Tel : (852) 2522 1717
Email : [email protected]
Mon – Fri  10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Sat            10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sun & public holiday off
[by appointment]
5th Floor, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong