Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines

Shaping Beauty (Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines Chapter)

Deep nasolabial folds (commonly known as “smile lines” or “laugh lines”) or marionette lines can make one’s appearance seem older than their actual age. Hyaluronic acid injections in these areas can significantly improve the situation.

The cost of improving nasolabial folds or marionette lines with 1cc of hyaluronic acid is $5,500; 透明質酸1cc改善虎紋或木偶紋費用$5,500

If more than 1cc is needed, the cost for each additional 1cc is $3,700; 如果需要多過1cc,每額外1cc費用$3,700

Case studies of improving nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid (online data) 透明質酸改善虎紋案例(網上資料)


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